Guru Vandana

Guru Vandana

Bhava-Sagara Taarana Kaarana Hay, Ravinandana Bandhana Khandana Hay; Sharanaa-Gata Kimkara
Bheeta Manay, Guru-Deva Dayaa Karo Deena Janay
O Adorable Gurudeva! You help one cross the ocean of worldliness and unshackle the bonds of death. Please
have kindness on me now that I have surrendered to you in awe and consider myself as your servant.

  1. Hridi-Kandara Taamasa Bhaaskara Hay, Tumhee Vishnu Prajaa-Pati Shankara Hay; Para-Brahma Paraat-Par Venda Bhanay, Guru-Deva Daya Koro Deena Janay

    O Gurudeva! You dispel the darkness of the innermost caves of the human heart as if with the glow of the sun, you are the same as Vishnu, Bramha or Shankara, and are not different from the Brahman that the Vedas proclaim as beyond the senses. Please have kindness on me.

  2. Mana-Baarana Shaasana Amkusha Hay, Nara-Traana Taray Hari Chaakshusa Hay; Guna-Gaana Paraa-Yana Deva-Ganay, Guru-Deva Dayaa Karo Deena Janay
    O Gurudeva! You restrain the uncontrollable minds of your disciples. You have taken the visible form of a human being to save other fellow beings like Lord Hari did several times. The Gods and Goddesses continue to praise you all the time. Please be kind to me.
  3. Kula-Kundalini Ghuma Bhanjaka Hay, Hridi-Granthi Beedaarana Kaaraka Hay; Mama Maanasa Chanchala Raatri-Deenay, Guru-Deva Dayaa Karo Deena Janay
    O Gurudeva! You awaken the primal energy of Kundalini to the advantage of the disciple’s spiritual progress and unknot the bondage of his heart. Please be kind to me – mind is restless all the time.
  4. Reepu-Sudana Mangala Naayaka Hay, Sukha-Shantibaraa-Bhaya Daayaka Hay; Traya-Taapa Haray Taba Naama-Gunay, Guru-Deva Dayaa Karo Deena Janay
    O Gurudeva! You destroy all the inclinations to the wrongs in your disciples life and lead him onto fulfillment so that he can attain peace, happiness and stability, all kinds of miseries, be they of physicals, accidental or mental origin, disappear if one utters your name with all devotion. Please have compassion on me.
  5. Abheemaana Prabhaava Veemardaka Hay, Goti-Heena Janay Tumhee Rakshaka Hay; Chita- Shamkeeta Vanchita Bhakti-Dhanay, Guru-Deva Daya Karo Deena Janay

    O Gurudeva! You cast aside the effect of egotism of the disciple’s mind, you protect one who has lost his way in life. Please have compassion on me – my mind is tense with worries for I lack in the treasure of proper devotions.

  6. Taba-Naama Sadaa-Shuba Saadhaka Hay, Pateetaa-Dhama Maanava Paavaka Hay; Maheemaa Taba Gochara Shud-Dha Manay, Guru-Deva Dayaa Karo Deena Janay
    O Grudeva! Your name leads onto glory. You purifiy the lowest of the low (as purest goal is processed in fire). Your splendor transpires to the mind of those whose hearts are pure. Please have kindness on me.
  7. Jaya Sad-Guru Ishwara Praapaka Hay, Bhava-Roga Veekaara Veenashaka Hay; Mama Jena Rahay Taba Sree-Charnay, Guru-Deva Dayaa Karo Deena Janay.
    O gurudeva! You help attain God you cure one of the sickness of worldly attachments let your glory prevail in everyone’s heart. Let my mind be tied on to your lotus feet. Would you please be kind to me. Bless me my Savior now I come to Thee.

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