Sangha Vani

“Sangha Vani: The great truths realized and applied in the life of the Sangha-Lord. Great men are born from age to age and some truths are experienced and imbibed and are then established by their life of penance for the welfare of the world”. —Acharyadev Srimat Swami Pranavanandaji Maharaj

Self Realization, Universal Emancipation

Self-sacrifice, Self-abnegation, Self-Discipline, Adherence to truth and Countenance

Forgetfulness of the “Self”

Self-possession, Self-remembrance and Self-consciousness

Heroism, Virility, Manliness and Aspiration for emancipation

Weakness, Fear (Defeatism), Cowardice, Meanness and selfishness

Patience, Fortitude and Endurance

Self-confidence, Self-reliance and Self-respect

Indolence, Slumber, Procrastination, Inertia, Lustful senses and Passions

Energy, Enthusiasm and Perseverance

Practices and Realizations for Sadhakas/Aspirants

Spirituality is not something to be gained by scriptural studies or from hearsay. Mad indeed is The one who thinks of unraveling the mysteries of spiritual life with the Help of a mind torn by passions, tyrannized by the senses and agonized by carnal hankerings.— Swami Pranavanandaji Maharaj

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